Sunday, February 1, 2009


Ya it would be nice if I didn't have any weird stalkers on my blog. I don't really know how to fix it though. My gmail is Lindamin17. Its my nickname that my coach has for me. Ow and what is the website that has all the backgrounds that are better? I am clueless and so is the DragonFly. O Well.

San Diego

My mom and I going to California in about 18 days. Yay finally so where were there is not at least a foot of snow. I offically HATE snow. I an going to move out of the house and go some where warm. If I ever grow up :-). Southern Cali is a gymnastics hot spot. We are most likely going to get it handed to us. But, you never know. I am still very excited to stay in a Hyatt hotel and I also get to go to Sea World. ( not trying to brag or anything)