Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some news!

Wow! i haven't posted anything in about a month. I have been really busy. To start off with my oldest brother Jace comes home in less than 7 weeks! I am so exited and ready to see him. I hope he reconizes me. I have grown about 8 inches since he left for Bulgaria. I am proud to say that i am taller then my mom..... but that is not the biggest accomplishment. I can't wait to see him walk out of the area that you can't go in when your waiting for somebody!!! A lot has happen since he has left. Like ALMOST 3 new baby cousins! I love babies. I get to see them in about a week when i go down to utah with my mom and my older brother and the furry baby. I am EXTREMLY excited. I also am so ready to get a break from school. yuck... i don't like school. Too much drama for me. Also i get a break from gymnastics. Don't get me wrong i love it but my body needs a break. I went to the doctors a couple weeks ago because my back was bugging me, anyway she said that i pulled the muscles in my back. I get to take muscle relaxers. haha. When i first got the bottle it said on the side in red " may cause dizziness" a little smile appeared on my face. Then to make it even bigger the doctor said it might make me loopy. I get very loopy. I don't take them in the week though. My season ends this week. The state meet is on saturday and i am really excited for it like usual. I have been working hard for it and so has my team. Pandors can do flips too i just spot her a lot. i think she likes it but you can never be sure. She is so cute and cuddly. She just had a surgery to get spaded... in the back of a van in our driveway. I can guess what you are thinking i thought the same exact thing.... Nasty. My mom thought it would be better to have the guy come to our house and do they surgery and as she wakes up we can hold her instead of here waking up in a kennal all alone. which is nice. So the guy rang the door bell and we answered the door with pandora in hand. He had a needle full off something thats a medical term i forget but he just jabs her with and of course she screams really loud cause she is a baby. Then he goes back to the van and brings back a hair shaver to chave her paws so he can get to a vain. Which is not a problem.... but he did it in our nice and clean kitchen. And of course pandora wimpers when he is not touching her. (poor little thing). Next he pokes her with the sleepy and numbing stuff. She starts to fall asleep and when she does her tongue just falls out of her mouth to the side like the cartoons. - thats not the worst part. Then the guy takes her out to the van in our driveway and does the magic. There was a window so you could see and my mom looked out our window and pandora is upsidedown on like a hammik thing. Finally she comes back and gives pandora to my mom ( still out of it) and goes back to the van and gets the bloody utincles. Right now i am sitting on the couch watching head for the bathroom. closes the door like a normal person. I hear the toliet flush and i thought " good he knows how to use a toliet and is semi sanitray but wait he still has to wash his hands"....... i hear the sink but it is on for a very long time. huh? why is that? the door finally opens and i quickly look at the cover girl commercial thats on. I couldn't help but notice that the instruments were sparkle clean. Totally and completley unprofessinal. Gross!! One of the most interesting experiments in a long time. Well this post is getting a little long. I will see all of my extended family in a week. Lots of kisses and loves till then!