Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meet results

My gymnastics meet in the tri- cities went well in my opinion. It was my first meet of the season.... I started it off really good. I will start by explaining the scoring system. To get a perfect score you would have to get a 10.00. If you don't piont your toes or if you bend your legs of if you fall on your butt then you get deducted up to a half of tenth to a half of point which is a lot in gymnastics world. Those are the basics for now I think that is enough. My score on floor was a 9.2 out of 10. I recived an 8.6 on vault which is my weakess event. My score on bars was a 9.375 with a big deduction because I hit my feet on the bar. And on beam I got a 9.135. And my all- around was 36.31. I took first place in bars and beam second place on floor and fifth on vault and first in all-around in the whole meet. My team also took first by 2 almost 3 points which is beating a team in basketball by 30- 40 points. I am very thankful for my teammates. Go! Team! and me!..... hehe just kidding. I am humble aren't I.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Names

Well i just created a blog on my own cause i decided that i was old enough and it would help a lot of school skills. All my aunts have a little theme going down, so i have decided to join the club. My story or disguise for my family members are- My sister is a butterfly because she reminds me of one because when she went through her ugly dukling stage she was a quiet caterpillar and now she is a beautiful butterfly that does my hair and makeup quite often. My parents together are called the fly swaters.( boys are flys more details later on). My mom is a dragonfly because i think they are strong but graceful which is my mom, and when she gives me "the look" she reminds me of a dragon in a good way. My dad is a daddy long leg spider because they eat flies in my mind and they have very long legs. He can also be known as they patatoe bug because he is not open to new things or ideas. My brother is a stink bug because they can not be nice and they are very stinky obviously especially when they get done with basketball practice. My oldest older brother is going to be a grasshopper because they can jump really high and they fly all over. Finally my little puppy pandora. Well, i haven't really decided if she is going to be a bug yet. If she is then she will be a fire fly cause she always brightens up my day. I need some input!!! You decide

What does the name mean?

When i was born i had jet black hair and my mom always dressed me in a little red dress. My uncle and my aunt asked my parents if they could call me lady bug because I always looked like one. Then I just became lindi bug and buggie. The beam comes from me being a gymnast for a long time now and i have always loved the beam and looked pretty on it i guess that is what people said. So i am the bug on the beam... i thought it was creative but that is just me i guess.